Always there is hope for you
To walk through the door but
This wretched waiting tears at me
As each day, fades to more disappointment
Until there is no more of the person who once
stood at the precipice of need
Love me not for what can be shared between us but for the spaces and shadows that separate us into two different beings joined by trust and new experiences. Hate me not for what we do not understand but the silence that embraces us and drowns our love.
Crushes are refreshing balms to a heart that had been wounded to a point that love was something that cause bile to go up from the pit of one's stomach.
Crushes are rainbows that are small bursts of color after being drenched in the tears of heartbreak.
I can look at the most handsome man and see nothing but flaws because perfection already disappointed me.
I don't need perfect love, I need love that work out for you and me.
There you are, here I am. Why can't it be we;re here and we are getting there.
Clothe me with your embrace
Shower me with your affection
Fed me with your love
Finish my sentences with your smile
And tell me that I will find you beside me
there every morning waking me up with your kisses.